15 benefits of exersice

The 15 benefits of exercise that are worth knowing! How much exercise is beneficial and ultimately, what is the best type? Exercise is commonly accepted and scientifically proven to have a positive effect on both our physical and mental health, while also having a preventive and / or therapeutic effect on chronic diseases of the human body. The most important benefits of exercise are the following: 1)Immune system shielding. Aerobic exercise strengthens the body's defenses against microbial and mainly viral infections. 2) Improving heart function. The contribution of aerobic exercise to both preventing and treating cardiovascular disease is very important. 3)Improved aerobic capacity and lung function. Aerobic exercise improves maximum oxygen uptake. 4) Maintaining and reducing body weight. Improving BMI (Body Mass Index) with regular exercise and especially with resistance exercise and aerobic exercise helps prevent and treat a variety of...