15 benefits of exersice
The 15 benefits of exercise that are worth knowing! How much exercise is beneficial and ultimately, what is the best type?
Exercise is commonly accepted and scientifically proven to have a positive effect on both our physical and mental health, while also having a preventive and / or therapeutic effect on chronic diseases of the human body. The most important benefits of exercise are the following:
1)Immune system shielding. Aerobic exercise strengthens the body's defenses against microbial and mainly viral infections.
2) Improving heart function. The contribution of aerobic exercise to both preventing and treating cardiovascular disease is very important.
3)Improved aerobic capacity and lung function. Aerobic exercise improves maximum oxygen uptake.
4) Maintaining and reducing body weight. Improving BMI (Body Mass Index) with regular exercise and especially with resistance exercise and aerobic exercise helps prevent and treat a variety of conditions such as cardiovascular, high blood pressure and diabetes.
5)Improving project production capacity. With resistance training and aerobic exercise, the human body adapts to more intense rhythms.
6)Reduction of hypertension. Regular aerobic exercise as a first line of defense along with diet, followed by medication, can regulate the body's blood pressure.
7)Increased muscle strength and endurance. Exercise (anaerobic exercise and resistance training) improves physical fitness and performance.
8)Improving flexibility and agility. Through constant stimulation and training of the muscular system, the human body becomes more flexible and agile, while the range of motion increases.
9) Delay of osteoporosis. In particular, the contribution of endurance exercise to increasing bone density and thus preventing the development of osteoporosis in old age is very important.
10)Prevention / restoration of muscle atrophy. Through constant stimulation and alertness of the muscular system, exercise helps against muscle atrophies.
11)Improving balance. Exercise with balance exercises usually has immediate results in this direction.
12) Decreased risk of falls. With resistance and balance exercises through strengthening the muscular system but also with a proper diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to reduce osteoporosis and strengthen muscles, the risk of falls is significantly reduced.
13) Protection against coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia (the so-called metabolic syndrome), as well as protection against cancer. With 30'-40 'exercise for 5 times a week, the chances of developing one of the aforementioned diseases are greatly reduced.
14)Slow biological damage. The contribution of exercise to the development of healthy "new" cells is remarkable.
15) Improving self-confidence and quality of life as a result of regular physical activity, which improves and enhances the overall physical health of man.
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